"Electronic guide of the memorials (monuments, plaques, streets, etc.) of donors, benefactors and patrons in Gabrovo"


to the website of the Electronic guide "Benefactors of Gabrovo".

This is a guide of memorials (monuments, plaques, streets, etc.) of donors, benefactors and patrons in Gabrovo. The guide will take you to places where the people of Gabrovo have expressed their respect for deserving personalities for the development of the city and benefactors whose gesture is a supreme manifestation of spirituality. These are people with different profiles - people of science, trade, industry and ordinary workers, but they all have high social responsibility and empathy for those in need.


The locations in the Guide are divided into five groups: monuments, plaques, buildings, streets and other sites.

In the "Locations" section you will find all the places that the Guide includes. And also information on where you can get a paper guide.


Who are these personalities, how and what have they achieved in their lives, how did they help for the development of Gabrovo and what led their mind and heart to donate, you will find in the section "Benefactors".

Vasil Aprilov

The benefactor of Aprilov High School

WCS "Mother's Care"

"We have gathered to do good!"

Ivan Kalpazanov

Founder of the textile industry in Gabrovo